How to cancel auto renew on mtn (Latest Guide)
Want to know how to cancel auto renew on mtn? You are at the right spot. In this comprehensive post, we are going to take you through the necessary steps that will help you cancel auto renewal on your MTN line!
Not only are we going to discuss how to cancel auto renew on mtn, but we will also take you through the process of activating auto renew on MTN just in case you want to do that. So let’s get started!
What is auto renewal in mtn
Auto-renewal is a useful feature that ensures that your data bundle renews automatically when it expires, as long as you have enough airtime balance on your line. This means you don’t have to worry about manually renewing your data bundle each time it expires, because the system does it for you automatically.
When your data bundle expires and there is enough airtime on your line to pay the cost of renewal, the system will automatically deduct the necessary amount and renew your data bundle. This ensures that you have ongoing access to data services with no disruptions or hassles on your part. It’s an excellent method to stay connected and have constant access to the internet without having to remember to renew your data bundle manually.
In as much as Auto-Renewal is helpful in a sense that it reduces the stress of manually purchasing data on MTN, but sometimes this feature can be frustrating. I remembered recharging my line with 1K airtime only to notice that my monthly plan have been automatically renewed and I needed to make call at that instant. I had to make another recharge to complete my calls. If you’ve faced this same situation as I am and wish to stop it, keep on scrolling through as the steps will be revealed here.
Check: You can use TQ VTU auto Repeat feature to auto renew data plans at your convenience! Learn more…
How to Auto Renew Bundles on MTN
If you are interested in setting your purchased data plans to auto renew, below is a simple straightforward process to follow to do that.
- Dial *312#
- Select option 1 (Data plans)
- Make your choice by selecting either daily, weekly, monthly etc.
- Pick the bundle you want to purchase
- Select option 1 (auto renew)
You can also opt in for one-off option if you prefer buying your Data plans manually.
How to unsubscribe from mtn auto renewal (USSD Code)
- Start by dialing *312#
- Press 1 (Data Plans)
- Select option 10 (Manage data)
- Go for 3 (Cancel auto renewal)
*You can also do this through messaging and it works perfectly…
How to cancel auto-renewal on mtn through SMS
Before you can proceed with the texting procedure, you’ll need the auto renewal deactivation codes. You might be confuse right now by what I mean by deactivation codes. You shouldn’t be, if you are using GLO, then you definitely might have come across our post on how to cancel auto renewal on GLO. The process is similar to MTN though with a little difference. The process actually involve sending a particular keyword to have your auto renewal plan deactivated.
Following the same trend, MTN has it that each data plan has it specific auto renewal cancellation code, unlike Glo. Take a good look at the table below to get the MTN data auto-renewal cancellation codes first hand.
NOTE: Send the cancellation codes provided below to 312 via SMS
How to cancel auto renew on MTN (Daily plans)
Amount | Bundles | Cancellation codes |
N50 | 40MB | NO114 |
N100 | 100MB | NO104 |
N350 | 1GB | NO155 |
2 – 3 Days Plan
Prices | Bundles | Codes | Validity |
N200 | 200MB | NO113 | 3 Days |
N500 | 2GB | NO154 | 2 Days |
N800 | 3GB | NO180 | 2 Days |
N600 | 2.5GB | NO146 | 2 Days |
Weekly Plans (7 Days)
N350 | 350MB | NO103 |
N500 | 600MB | NO154 |
N600 | 1GB | NO142 |
N1000 | 1.5GB | NO105 |
N1500 | 5GB | NO143 |
N2000 | 7GB | NO181 |
Monthly Plans (30 Days)
N1000 | 1.2GB | NO106 |
N1200 | 1.5GB | NO130 |
N1600 | 3GB | NO131 |
N2000 | 4GB | NO110 |
N3000 | 8GB | NO147 |
N3500 | 10GB | NO148 |
N4000 | 12GB | NO107 |
N5500 | 20GB | NO116 |
N6500 | 25GB | NO153 |
N11000 | 40GB | NO117 |
16000 | 75GB | NO150 |
22000 | 120GB | NO149 |
30000 | 200GB | NO111 |
2 to 6 Months Plans
Amount | Data Bundles | Cancellation Code | Validity |
N8000 | 30GB | NO119 | 2Months |
N20000 | 100GB | NO118 | 2Months |
N30000 | 160GB | NO138 | 2Months |
N50000 | 400GB | NO133 | 3Months |
N75000 | 600GB | NO134 | 3Months |
N100000 | 800GB | NO115 | 6Months |
How to Cancel Auto Renew on MTN Always on Plans
Prices | Bundles | Cancellation Codes | Validity |
N60 | 200MB | 24 Hrs | |
N120 | 450MB | 7 Days | |
N3000 | 15GB | NO162 | 30 Days |
N6000 | 45GB | NO163 | 30 Days |
How to Cancel Auto Renew on MTN Social Plans
prices | bundles | cancellation codes | validity |
N25 | 25MB | STOPFBD | 1 Day |
N50 | 50MB | STOPFBW | 7 Days |
N150 | 150MB | STOPFBM | 30 Days |
Cancellation Codes | Plan Validity |
STOPWAD | Daily |
STOPWAW | Weekly |
STOPWAM | Monthly |
Cancellation codes | Plan Validity |
STOPINSD | Daily |
STOPINSW | Weekly |
STOPINSM | Monthly |
Code to Cancel | Validity |
STOPWCD | Daily |
STOPWCW | Weekly |
STOPWCM | Monthly |
Cancellation Code | Validity |
STOP2GOD | Daily |
STOP2GOW | Weekly |
STOP2GOM | Monthly |
Youtube + Instagram + TIKTOK
Innirder to cancel YouTube + instagram + TikTok bundles, send NOYIB to 312. Upon receipt, automatic renew will be cancelled.
How to Cancel Auto Renew on MTN All Social Plans
Code for Cancellation | Plan Validity |
NOASD | Daily |
NOASW | Weekly |
NOASM | Monthly |
How to Cancel Auto Renew on MTN
3 often Asked Questions
Can I Auto Renew Airtime Purchases on MTN?
Certainly! You cannot activate or stop auto-renewal for “airtime” purchases. Auto-renewal can only be activated on data plans purchases or while activating a value added service.
However, you can use a third-party application such as TQ VTU or MTN on demand platform to manage your airtime purchases and set it up to automatically renew your airtime as needed. If you want to stop the automated process, simply go to the app settings and make the appropriate changes.
Can I Auto renew Borrowed Bundles?
No way! There’s currently no automated option available for borrowing airtime or data on MTN. Borrowing airtime or data can only be initiated manually by the user. This means you can’t configure it to automatically borrow when your balance is low or when you run out of data.
what is the code to cancel auto renewal on mtn
To cancel auto renewal on MTN, Dial *312# and follow the steps outlined in this post. You can also use the text messaging method.